Sarah Josepha Hale to David E. Hale
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell, 1788-1879
April 20, 1833
Sarah Josepha Hale Collection, The Athenaeum of Philadelphia
Boston, April 20 - 1833
My dear Son -
I have delayed writing you
for the following reasons. Immediately
on the receipt of your letter, I wrote to
Gov. Woodbury (Secy. of the Navy) in order to
interest him to procure you a situation
in the "Civil Engr. Dep. - and I wanted to learn
the result. I rec'd an answer about ten
days since. He had applied to the Secy.
of War, but was informed that there
were no vacancies in the Civ. Eng. Dep.
at present. Mr. Woodbury appeared
[?] for you, and expressed the
most kind & ready disposition
to do all in his power for you.
Accordingly I thought I might as well
apply to him respecting your appointment
in the Army - and I wrote to him for that
purpose. Before my letter reached Washington
he had departed on a tour to
the South. One of the acting Secretaries politely
wrote me, saying my letter had
reached the office & should be handed to
Mr. W. as soon as he returned.
I do not know what effect this application
will have, but I hope it may
prove beneficial. I am desirous you
should be stationed in N.E, if possible.
Would it be of any effect if I should write
to Col. Thayer? - Or is he so nearly being
superseded that his favor is vain?
- I shall go to Greenfield, Mass. the
first or second week in May with your
sisters, and leave them at the Seminary
of Mr. Jones.
I wish you could borrow the horse
of [Pacolet?] and skim through the air, &
visit us on the first of May. I expect
your Aunt Sarah from Keene at that
time, & all my children but you
will be here, and we hope to be very
happy. The Kembles are making a
great sensation here. I have not yet
seen them but think I shall go once,
if your Aunt comes. -
- My labors for the last ten or twelve
weeks have been rather more severe than
my health makes pleasant - but I have
toiled hoping to earn enough extra (that
is besides the magazine) to allow me to visit
West-Point in June. I do hope to see you
at the last examination. What time
must I come? & how long will it be
necessary to stay?
The 2nd edition of Flora is printed - & I have
a school book nearly ready for the Press.
H. & W. send love. Yours affectionately
SJ Hale
Cadet David E. Hale
N. York.
My dear Son -
I have delayed writing you
for the following reasons. Immediately
on the receipt of your letter, I wrote to
Gov. Woodbury (Secy. of the Navy) in order to
interest him to procure you a situation
in the "Civil Engr. Dep. - and I wanted to learn
the result. I rec'd an answer about ten
days since. He had applied to the Secy.
of War, but was informed that there
were no vacancies in the Civ. Eng. Dep.
at present. Mr. Woodbury appeared
[?] for you, and expressed the
most kind & ready disposition
to do all in his power for you.
Accordingly I thought I might as well
apply to him respecting your appointment
in the Army - and I wrote to him for that
purpose. Before my letter reached Washington
he had departed on a tour to
the South. One of the acting Secretaries politely
wrote me, saying my letter had
reached the office & should be handed to
Mr. W. as soon as he returned.
I do not know what effect this application
will have, but I hope it may
prove beneficial. I am desirous you
should be stationed in N.E, if possible.
Would it be of any effect if I should write
to Col. Thayer? - Or is he so nearly being
superseded that his favor is vain?
- I shall go to Greenfield, Mass. the
first or second week in May with your
sisters, and leave them at the Seminary
of Mr. Jones.
I wish you could borrow the horse
of [Pacolet?] and skim through the air, &
visit us on the first of May. I expect
your Aunt Sarah from Keene at that
time, & all my children but you
will be here, and we hope to be very
happy. The Kembles are making a
great sensation here. I have not yet
seen them but think I shall go once,
if your Aunt comes. -
- My labors for the last ten or twelve
weeks have been rather more severe than
my health makes pleasant - but I have
toiled hoping to earn enough extra (that
is besides the magazine) to allow me to visit
West-Point in June. I do hope to see you
at the last examination. What time
must I come? & how long will it be
necessary to stay?
The 2nd edition of Flora is printed - & I have
a school book nearly ready for the Press.
H. & W. send love. Yours affectionately
SJ Hale
Cadet David E. Hale
N. York.