Sarah Josepha Hale to David E. Hale
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell, 1788-1879
January 1, 1833
Sarah Josepha Hale Collection, The Athenaeum of Philadelphia
Boston, JAN. 1. 1833.
My dear Son, - I must write
if merely to wish a happy new
year. But I have such a host
of letters to answer that each
must be short.
How does Nullification and the
proclamation affect the young
Graves at West Point? We hear
that the S.C. cadets are all for
state rights. But the Union has, I
hope, many a staunch defender
among you, Keep the stripes in
their places, and the stars in their orbits,
or we shall have "confusion worse
confounded on our system.
Mutual forbearance, concession &
charity must be the order of the day.
- I attended last evening an exhibition
at Mr. Thayer's School - and send
you a list of the exercises. You will
find Horatio's name as writer &
speaker. He has the first prize - a
gold medal.
Martha Ann & Willey are well &
happy & send love & good wishes -
& so does Horatio. He is so deep in
study today he did not know how
to write.
God bless you, my son -
and give you many
years of happiness.
Your affectionate Mother
S.J. Hale
Cadet David E. Hale
N. York.
My dear Son, - I must write
if merely to wish a happy new
year. But I have such a host
of letters to answer that each
must be short.
How does Nullification and the
proclamation affect the young
Graves at West Point? We hear
that the S.C. cadets are all for
state rights. But the Union has, I
hope, many a staunch defender
among you, Keep the stripes in
their places, and the stars in their orbits,
or we shall have "confusion worse
confounded on our system.
Mutual forbearance, concession &
charity must be the order of the day.
- I attended last evening an exhibition
at Mr. Thayer's School - and send
you a list of the exercises. You will
find Horatio's name as writer &
speaker. He has the first prize - a
gold medal.
Martha Ann & Willey are well &
happy & send love & good wishes -
& so does Horatio. He is so deep in
study today he did not know how
to write.
God bless you, my son -
and give you many
years of happiness.
Your affectionate Mother
S.J. Hale
Cadet David E. Hale
N. York.