Senator Levi Woodbury to Sarah Josepha Hale



Senator Levi Woodbury to Sarah Josepha Hale


Woodbury, Levi, 1789-1851


January 20, 1829


Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell, 1788-1879








Sarah Josepha Hale Collection, The Athenaeum of Philadelphia





Washington - City. 20th Janry. 1829.

Dear Madam,

I felt much flattered today by the contents of yours
of the 14th instant. It will give me great satisfaction
to show that your confidence in my kind
feelings towards you & your family has not
been misplaced -
I had spoken to Mr. Thompson
concerning your Magazine some days ago; and he has engaged
to do all in his power for its [consequent?] [invitation?] -
The rules to be observed for application to be admitted as a
cadet at West Point are in substance as follows

A memorial should be addressed to the Secretary of War, signed by
the candidate or his parent, stating his wishes, where he was born,
his present residence - his age and a reference to the papers
accompanying to show his good character and progress in
knowledge By certificates - He must appear to be between 14 & 21 years of age - [DE: ?] over 4 feet 9 inches high - healthy - able to read & write, cypher
in the elementary rules of arithmetic & reduction & regular & decimal
fractions -
The selections from the candidates are made conditionally
in the month of Feby. or March -
If you will [ED: page damaged - possibly send onward?]
to me such a memorial & proper certificates accompanying it
I think I cannot fail to get your son appointed - Certain
I am, that no exertion on my part shall be wanting
to effect an object so desirable not only to his esteemed
mother but to the young man himself, considering the [taste?]
he has already carried -
I find the name of David E. Hale
now on the list of candidates from Cheshire County (New H.)

Whether it is intended for your son or not I am unable to say:
but at all events the application ought to be renewed each
year by the rules - : and a compliance with the above
suggestions will I trust ensure his [speedy?] success.
We have no news at this place - Public business seems
almost suspended by the peculiar condition of [parties?] till
the 4th of March - and the gay & fashionable world is in the
mean time somewhat [?]reast by the sudden death
[ED: page damaged, possibly: of Mrs. Jackson] -
It would confer great pleasure on me
[ED: page damaged] you whenever my services can avail aught
to the welfare of yourself or family; and be assured I am
With the highest consideration
Your Most Ob Ser.
Levi Woodbury