Mrs. Elias Plum to Sarah Josepha Hale
April 17, 1869
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell, 1788-1879
Sarah Josepha Hale Collection, The Athenaeum of Philadelphia
April 17, 1869
My Dear Aunt,
I have just
learned through James,
that it is your intention
to be in New York about
the 20th, & as our wedding
takes place the 22d, I
have proposed to him
to bring you up to Troy
on that eventful occasion.
Our house will be
full until after the
wedding, but the day
following (Friday) I can
give you comfortable
quarters, & shall be most
most happy to entertain
you for any length
of time that may suit
your own convenience
to remain. Until some
of my guests depart,
my daughter Sarah, (Mrs.
Gilbert-) who lives almost
within sight, desires that
you, her Aunt Elect &
Uncle James will come
directly to her house.
She will be delighted
to have you do so, & I
am quite positive that
you will enjoy your
I am not able to
write any details, further
than to say, that
it will be a full dress
wedding, very large,
& also that I hope to see
you among the guests
With much love believe
me to be,
Your affectionate
Niece, M.[?] Plum.
My Dear Aunt,
I have just
learned through James,
that it is your intention
to be in New York about
the 20th, & as our wedding
takes place the 22d, I
have proposed to him
to bring you up to Troy
on that eventful occasion.
Our house will be
full until after the
wedding, but the day
following (Friday) I can
give you comfortable
quarters, & shall be most
most happy to entertain
you for any length
of time that may suit
your own convenience
to remain. Until some
of my guests depart,
my daughter Sarah, (Mrs.
Gilbert-) who lives almost
within sight, desires that
you, her Aunt Elect &
Uncle James will come
directly to her house.
She will be delighted
to have you do so, & I
am quite positive that
you will enjoy your
I am not able to
write any details, further
than to say, that
it will be a full dress
wedding, very large,
& also that I hope to see
you among the guests
With much love believe
me to be,
Your affectionate
Niece, M.[?] Plum.