Miss Anne Charlotte Lynch to Sarah Josepha Hale
Botta, Anne C. Lynch (Anne Charlotte Lynch), 1815-1891
March 4, 1837
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell, 1788-1879
Sarah Josepha Hale Collection, The Athenaeum of Philadelphia
New York March 4th
My dear Mrs Hale
Your [letter?] of
the 20th ult. reached me in
Washington a few days since
& in the hurry of my departure
I was not able to answer it
immediately. The other letters
to which you allude I need
scarcely say that I did not
receive at all. In answer
to your requests, I can only
say that my literary life as
much as my natural life
has no incidents worthy of
record. In Reeds' Female poets
Miss May's volume & also in
Mr Griswold's (Female poets) will be found
all that has been published
I believe. In reference
to the [picture?], I do
not altogether like the
one in Mrs Reed's volume
the only engraving of me
that has been published.
I have a better water
color sketch & I will
send you a photograph
of that, if you desire
in the course of a few
days, or as soon as I
can obtain it.
If you should visit New
York I hope you will
not fail to inform me
of it that I may have
the pleasure of seeing
you. With great regard
Very Truly Yours
Ann C Lynch
45 [Ninth?] St
New York March 4th
My dear Mrs Hale
Your [letter?] of
the 20th ult. reached me in
Washington a few days since
& in the hurry of my departure
I was not able to answer it
immediately. The other letters
to which you allude I need
scarcely say that I did not
receive at all. In answer
to your requests, I can only
say that my literary life as
much as my natural life
has no incidents worthy of
record. In Reeds' Female poets
Miss May's volume & also in
Mr Griswold's (Female poets) will be found
all that has been published
I believe. In reference
to the [picture?], I do
not altogether like the
one in Mrs Reed's volume
the only engraving of me
that has been published.
I have a better water
color sketch & I will
send you a photograph
of that, if you desire
in the course of a few
days, or as soon as I
can obtain it.
If you should visit New
York I hope you will
not fail to inform me
of it that I may have
the pleasure of seeing
you. With great regard
Very Truly Yours
Ann C Lynch
45 [Ninth?] St