Louisa C. Tuthill to Sarah Josepha Hale



Louisa C. Tuthill to Sarah Josepha Hale


Tuthill, Louisa C. (Louisa Caroline), 1798-1879


January 10, 1866


Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell, 1788-1879








Sarah Josepha Hale Collection, The Athenaeum of Philadelphia






Princeton Jan 10/66

My dear friend,

I am truly obliged to you
for sending me the "Lady's
Book", it is a most acceptable
and valuable
New Year's gift. May you
long continue to edit the
magazine for "women," &
their higher interests!
If my life be spared I
hope to make some small
contribution to its contents,
during the present year.
I have been so completely
occupied with company
and in other ways, of
late, that I have only [?]
a cursory glance at the
"Philadelphia Home Weekly"

Laulie was sadly disappointed
at not seeing her beloved
Minnie again. Mrs Hodge
was so kind as to invite
the child, but she was
seized with a sudden
illness which we feared
would end in scarlet
fever, and she could
not see Minnie after that.
Thank God it did not
prove to be that fearful
disease and she is now
well enough to be out
again to-day, for the first
time, since the attack.
I have found it impossible
to form a "Band" [here?] for
"Women's Mission to Women."
Every Christian Woman
in the wide world ought
to take a deep interest in
this Mission, but unhappily
they do not.
The contribution I enclose

I have made up in my
own family principally.
Mrs Charles Olden as you
will see gave $5.00. I did
not ask her for it, but
on the contrary declined
it, hoping she would give
her Twenty; but she said
it would not be convenient
this year, as she had so
many demands upon her
purse and it would oblige
her if I would add it
to my contribution.
So, my dear Mrs Hale, you
will consider the $20.00,
enclosed as the supscription [subscription]
for which I became responsible
for 1866.
We had last evening at
our house "The Eclectic".
Rather a pretentious name
for a reading circle!
The rooms were quite well
filled with more than
forty persons, and it was

quite a trial for Sarah
Hodge and Nannie Field
to read before so many.
[DE: persons].
Richard Hunter is [?]
this winter Though many
new members have joined
the Circle, there is no one
to make [?] his place.
I write in haste this morning
as we are expecting company
to dine, and have friends
staying with us.
Please give love to all
the dear ones of your
household and best
wishes for their health
and happiness.
Every truly and faithfully
Yours, Louisa C. Tuthill