David E. Hale to Sarah Josepha Hale



David E. Hale to Sarah Josepha Hale


November 7, 1833


Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell, 1788-1879








Sarah Josepha Hale Collection, The Athenaeum of Philadelphia






Nov. 7th 1833

My dear Mother

I have just received your letter
and Heaven knows how much pleasure it gave me
I wrote two or three days since and perhaps
my disappointment at not receiving any letter from you
made me express myself too strongly. I hope you will
receive this before your write. I am very happy to
hear that Mrs. Du Pre is with you, I know how
agreeable her company must be to you.
I am much obliged for the list of furniture
perhaps, I may send for one or two articles, at present
I have got what I want, which has cost me about
$30. I wish you would describe the Secretary, is it
merely a chest of drawers or bureau.
With respect to the gold patent lever watch
I understood you to say that you could get me
one when I am twenty one, if you could get
it now as easily [DE: It] it would be of more service
to me. If you cannot, perhaps I can save $100 in
six months to buy one myself. Pray inform me.
I cannot describe this place so as to give you
a good idea of it as you have never seen a [southern?]
town. Imagine, however, a level sandy country as
the seashore, with a large number of buildings

mostly old arranged along broad and regular streets of
which but one or two are paved. In the street parallel
with the shore, in a two story wooden building, in a
room fronting the sea, lives your hopeful son.
I have the warmest room in Beaufort, though
that is not a great recommendation here as now in
November it is like August with you.
I had a fine journey, good weather all the time
I went in the steam-boat from N. York to Philadelphia
saw some of my classmates at Phila. saw all the lions
the Bank, the Mint where they made money faster than
I ever shall - Girards Bank, and the Girard square a
splendid row of buildings. Went to [Baltimore] in the boat,
and on the rail-road. Saw Washington's Monument, the
ballon [balloon?] go up, the beautiful women [etc.] to Norfolk
where I passed a day, the warmest I ever felt - saw
Rufus King at Old Point Comfort, the large ships of war I
Had a fine ride through Dismal Swamp to
Elizabeth City, from there in a boat to Newbern
On the way the boiler broke and we remained [three?]
hours stationary in Albemarle Sound. I got safe to Newbern,
& remained there a day waiting for the [stage?] arrived
at B. on the 1st Oct.
I study Spanish, read, drill the Company
alone at Artillery drill - act as [?] Quartermaster -
ride like the D-l on horseback - drink the Major's
Champaigne [Champagne] - play cards with him & his wife -
and want nothing but home the pretty N. England
girls - and a watch.

I am glad to hear that Horatio succeeds so well.
I will pay him one hundred at the end of each year
with much pleasure.
This is a chap [cheap?] place and for the present it
is the best for me I pay $15 per month for
my board and servant a negro boy.
I do not want books at present, but if you
have an opportunity to send I think I should like
'England & the English' & the 'Headman' by Cooper -
My love to Mrs. Du Pré, tell her that if she will
go to Charleston I will pay her a visit.
My love to Miss [S.?] Parker to the Misses Bowditch
if you see them & my very best love to Isabella
[DE: ?] - Tell Horatio he may [ED: page torn]
[ED: page torn] welcome, if I don't have to pay [ED: page torn]
before six months he shall have $50, in March. [ED: page torn]
I wish your next letter to be as long, & to come
sooner than your last. I send twenty dollars.

Your affectionate Son
David E. Hale

P.S. Without you have good reason & without it be very
convenient to you, do not seperate [separate] my sisters. I do
not think it beneficial to young girls to be sent to
strange places or to be educated from home. It
may do for boys though I was injured by it-
P.S. pray say if the money I send is
current in B. would checks on U.S. Bank at
N.Y. be good -