Athenaeum of Philadelphia: Experience of the Senses
Shapiro, Matthias
Washington, DC, USA
Call Number
The Catholic University of America
Project Assumption
The most significant change to the library type within the next 35 years will most likely be the way we interact with information. Building materials will not only feed us data, but can respond to human emotion or perhaps even thought: instant gratification. The way analog data is stored will not change very much, because the only improvement which can be made are chemical treatments that enable tangible documents to last longer. Therefore, it is expected that storage methods remain somewhat similar to what they are today, while a new relationship of experiencing digital and analog information is created.
Project Statement
The concept of the Athenaeum derives from human desire to gain truth through knowledge. By reasoning and deducing, we piece together a frame from fragments of information. In the future Athenaeum, one can interact with walls to collect this data. From this process we create laws and theories, which are forever preserved in tangible forms, located at the heart of the building; this is the reading room. It is through this experience of the senses between digital and analog that we can understand how nature works, and discover our human connection to the space we inhabit.
Registration Number