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Re-imagining the Athenaeum of Philadelphia



Re-imagining the Athenaeum of Philadelphia


The Material Artifact in the Age of Digital Collection


Renn, Christopher


Philadelphia, PA, USA

Date Created


Call Number



Bohlin Cywinski Jackson



Project Assumption

Thirty-five years may bridge ages in technological realms, but is historically brief in terms of urban and human conditions. Our assumption is that, while technologies of 2050 may be beyond our current imaginations, fundamental urban and human conditions will remain quite familiar. The information and imagery of the Athenaeum's collection may be available instantly, anywhere in the world, perhaps in forms that we can't anticipate, but we believe that the Atheneum building itself as a repository of physical, tangible artifacts, artifacts imbued with inspiration and embodying human thought, creativity and emotion, will remain an important destination for those seeking 'useful knowledge'.

Project Statement

While re-imagining the future Athenaeum we can’t possibly ignore its past. For the same reason that its collection of artifacts remain an important destination despite new digital lives, it’s critical that its architecture also remain - professing of its significant history. Thus we’ve proposed preserving the historic building and the construction of a celebrated expansion of the collection and its new life with a new edifice, perched lightly above the 1847 landmark. Extending the building to a height that’s sympathetic with its contemporary Washington Square neighbors, and introducing new spaces to explore and study the historic collection as well as to gather and share ideas.

Registration Number