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The Circulation of Filtrating Knowledge



The Circulation of Filtrating Knowledge


Kelly, Matthew


Summit, NJ, USA

Call Number





The Catholic University of America



Project Assumption

2050 human population has doubled, ocean levels have raised and food sources have dropped; the definition of sustainable architecture has changed. It is now a requirement that all new construction has to be as harmless as possible and additionally give back to the world’s natural needs. Water pollution is becoming a common problem in Northeastern US cities; hence, water filtration systems are becoming our solution. These systems can sustain a building’s aquatic needs while giving excess water back to Philadelphia.

Project Statement

Prolonged Circulation and the Progression of Knowledge.

Circulation mimics the flow of filtration; conceptualizing the idea that one filters through art, artifacts and books to gain knowledge. Decelerating the path of travel exposes the user to different architectural elements and allow one to filter through information to gain knowledge. The faster one filters through knowledge, the less contaminates are detected. By slowing down circulation, it lets each visitor experience all futuristic resources the library has to offer. Finally, the top floors view the building below, so members look down and understand where all filtering knowledge originated.

Registration Number