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Project Assumption
1. Most books have electronic copy in 2050.
2. Reading to be redefined by new forms of information carrier: mobile, wearable, direct-neural-transmission devices.
3. Athenaeum to become more a place of accommodating academic activities and member’s gatherings to facilitate and expedite the exchange of knowledge – an agora of knowledge;
4. ASRS (Automated Storage Retrieval System) to be widely installed across libraries to take care of accumulated archives, whilst the need to access hard copy diminishes to the minimum;
5. ‘E-Ink’ technology to be utilized on building façade to produce intelligent curtain wall system.
Project Statement
1. Analysis: In the year of 2050, learning is mainly via digital media. However, due to highly advanced network technology, inter-human activities for social and cultural purpose diminishes, which endangers the development of knowledge for human-beings because face-to-face communication remains the most inspiring way to exchange ideas. How to solve this problem?
2. Concept: Agora of Knowledge – Athenaeum Reinvented
3. Design Strategies:
a) Convert the space from book oriented to activity oriented.
b) Pay tribute to tangible cultural heritage: New building to remain In identical built form as the historic one.
c) Pay tribute to intangible cultural heritage: Creation of a ceremonial space dedicated to the Athenaeum, doubles as main event space.
d) Employ ASRS (Automated Storage Retrieval System) to store and access hard copy of archives, accumulated over the centuries and still increasing.
e) Utilize E-Ink on building facade to achieve unlimited possibility and flexibility – elevation in constant and costless evolution!